Thursday, November 13, 2008

Daylight savings, elections, sicknesses, and moving?

A few from Halloween first....

Daylight savings time sucks. I have to say I'm not loving the early darkness, but I do love the sunny mornings. Last week I tried jogging/walking and I did love was in the mornings before work and it was so refreshing. Then I got sick, and now I have no energy and this week I have done nothing. I've been gaining weight back at a steady rate, hate it, but feel helpless and down about it. My clothes are tighter than I'd like. I say, "I gotta do something" and I want to, but it's so hard for me to find the energy or drive. I want it. I can make time for it, I just can't force myself. So I'll just keep clipping along and hope to get a strong 'wind' to do what I need to do to shed at least 20 lbs...I'd be done if I could lose this last 20. I will lose it. Maybe that's what I should say.

Election time! I voted. I was on the fence all the way to the ballot. I couldn't choose who worked better for me and ultimately, at the very last minute, decided on Obama. My fingers are crossed that he'll bring forth this 'change' that everyone so desires. I do like a younger man in the office right now, and I love that our nation has made history.

Kids are sick, they have colds...she's much worse than he, but we're working through it. This past weekend we decided on Sunday to head up to the Magic Kingdom for a fun day at the park. It was really nice! The weather was PERFECT, the kids were good, we brought some friends and that was fun, and I can't wait to go back.

We are still wanting to move, trying for next year but we'll see. I'm really so tired of the stress of it all and terrified to move and not have a way to pay the mortgage here and trying to make a house payment (rent or otherwise) in IL. If we can, great...if not, I don't know what to do. The best news I can think of is that my parents said they'd rent the house from us. Their lease is up in July, so that could very well work! I think the best bet for us is going to be to let them rent it for a few years until the economy flips and then either sell it to them, or sell it to someone. That would be great :)

Well, I better get to work. Yay.

1 comment:

Hartson family said...

Sigh... Where do I begin. Don't worry yourself so much about the weight (many of us can't even tell you have 20 lbs to go).
Moving sounds like what will bring you the most happiness and what can I say, I only want you all to be happy. Plus, you'd be a lot closer to me, which could mean more visits. So, yes, I think you should get a "move" on already! I know you guys can do it. You'll make it all work out.
Miss you chickie and wishing things will turn around for you soon. Kiss those sick kiddos for me (on the forehead please, I do NOT need to be sick right now). :)